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‘PF24’ teacher-training programme – University of Florence, 2018

Anthropological, Psychological and pedagogical disciplines and educational methodologies

and technologies


Qualified as a Professional Biologist, University of Florence, 07/2015

Ordine dei Biologi della Toscana e dell’Umbria registration n. ToU_A2799


Course Certificate: Percorso Palestra d'Intraprendenza - II edizione UNIFI,


(Academic entrepreneurship training)


Master’s degree in Biology, Behavioural Sciences - University of Florence  12/2014

Graduated with 110/110 cum laude

Thesis entitled: “Evaluation of environmental enrichments on the behaviour of wolf (Canis lupus) in captivity”

Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Dessì Fulgheri – Department of Animal Biology, University of Florence

Assistant supervisor: Prof. Patrizia Messeri – University of Turin; Dr. Francesca Bandoli – Zoological Garden of Pistoia.


Course Certificate: Dog Trainer – First Level. Gentle Team Association, Castelletto Merli (AT), 11/2012

(Theory and methods of the Gentle Method and Clicker Training)


Bachelor Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Florence, 10/2010

final score 105/110

With thesis entitled: “Analisi di ululati corali per la discriminazione tra branchi di lupo (Canis lupus).” “Distinction of wolf packs through analysis of choral howls”

Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Dessì Fulgheri – Department of Animal Biology, University of Florence

Assistant supervisor: Dr. Marco Zaccaroni - Department of Animal Biology, University of Florence


Linguistic High School Diploma, Istituto Statale G. Pascoli, Firenze, 2003

(English, French, German)

Mother tongue Spanish




Animal behavior consultant, 2015 - present

Consultancy, both at distance and on site, about dog and cat behavior and about bahavior and management  problems in order to improve welfare and relationship with them.


Workshop, in partnership with Association San Bernardo Agri+Cultura APS, Antella (FI), 2019 present

“How do animals communicate ?” “The enigma of sex”, “Animals’ bingo”, and “Learning how to communicate with dogs” for primary , middle and high school students.


Meeting “4 legged friends and kids: a happy cohabitation” in partnership with Association La Mia Ostetrica, Firenze, 2019 - present


Openlab Operator, University of Florence, 2013 - present

Workshops “The enigma of sex”, “Animals’ bingo”, “How animals communicate ?” and “Learning how to communicate with dogs” for kindergarten, primary , middle and high school students.


Workshop for ScienzEstate, University of Florence, 2012-2019

“Can I pet him?”, 8-9/06/2017 and 6-7/06/2019 (adults and kids will learn how to behave when they meet an unknown dog and will try to observe his behaviours in order to understand if they can pet him or not); “Animals’ bingo”,11-12/06/2015, 8-9/06/2016 and 7-8/06/2018  (while playing, children learn the meaning of “endangered species” and meet new animals, their characteristics and main threats to their survival); “How animals communicate”, 10-11/06/2013-2014 (sound, experiments to understand the physics of sound , bioacoustics , the songs of birds , the echolocation of bats , applied example: the howling of wolves ); “Learning how to communicate with dogs”, 12-13/06/2012 (understanding dog signals; man’s communication as a primate, learning how to communicate with dogs, how to behave when encountering dogs you don’t know).


Professional partnership with Department of Biology, University of Florence, 2015-2017

Microtus Savii research project: marking, animal identification and vocalizations acoustic analysis


Small mammals monitoring, BAYER CropScience, Monheim am  Rhein, Germania, 04/2015

Monitoring on freshly drilled maize fields treated with Thiacloprid FS400 in Austria using 

capture-mark-recapture (CMR) in order to check their abundance and their possible exposure to the

treatment, under GLP. Mice were marked with a PIT.


Internship at the Pistoia Zoo, Università degli Studi di Firenze, 11/2010 – 11/2013

Direct ethological observation of wolf packs, analysis of wolf-howling recordings, video analysis through

the use of specific software, environmental enrichment studies.


Participation in capturing and radio tracking of deer and hare, 2009-2010


Internship at the Study Center " Casa Stabbi ", Chitignano ( AR ) of the

University of Sassari, 08/2009-10/2009

Wolf census through Wolf - Howling technique and subsequent analysis through specific software.

Participant in wild boar captures and radio tracking.




M. Zaccaroni, D. Passilongo, A. Buccianti, F. Dessì-Fulgheri, C. Facchini, A. Gazzola, I. Maggini & M. Apollonio (2012): Group specific vocal signature in free-ranging wolf packs. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 24:4, 322-331.




VI Convegno Nazionale della Ricerca nei Parchi, Bussolengo (VR), 2-4/10/2015

“It gets funnier as you get older: behavioural enrichments for an elderly wolf pack”

I. Maggini, F. Dessì-Fulgheri, P. Messeri, F. Bandoli


EAZA annual conference, Wroclaw (Polonia), 15-19/09/2015

“It gets funnier as you get older: behavioural enrichments for an elderly wolf pack”

I. Maggini, F. Dessì-Fulgheri, P. Messeri, F. Bandoli


XXVI Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Etologia, Parma, 24-26/06/2015

“Effetto di tre arricchimenti ambientali sul comportamento del lupo in ambiente 


I. Maggini, F. Dessì-Fulgheri, P. Messeri, F. Bandoli


V European Conference on Behavioural Biology, Ferrara, 16-18/07/2010

“Distinct howling in free-ranging packs of wolves (Canis lupus)”

M. Zaccaroni, A. Buccianti, F. Dessì-Fulgheri, C. Facchini, A. Gazzola, I. Maggini, D. Passilongo and M. Apollonio



  • February 2021 “L’origine dell’Origine dell’Uomo e i suoi sviluppi: 150 anni sull’evoluzione umana”, Sapienza Università di Roma”

  • January 2021 “Biologia: ambiente & territorio”, ONB

  • June 2020 “Il biologo consulente nel settore ricettivo e alberghiero”, ENPAB

  • May 2020 “Il biologo come Auditor di terza parte, la consulenza ambientale, gli sviluppi professionali durante la pandemia COVID-19”, ENPAB

  • May 2020 “Rischio biologico da Covid-19”, ONB

  • May 2020 “Dog Communication Webinar”, Angela Stockdale, Langport (UK)

  • March 2020 “L’identikit di COVID-19 tra sintomi e diagnosi, Perugia, ONB, Ordine Farmacisti Perugia, Ordine Medici Umbria, Opi Perugia

  • April-June 2020 webinars “empowerment della professione”, ENPAB

  • April 2020 "Cani e bambini: un'esperienza possibile", Code Diverse a.s.d

  • November 2019, “Le Specie Aliene Invasive e il Nuovo Regolamento Europeo” FAD and on site(FI), ONB

  • November 2017 3° Convegno Nazionale sui Piccoli Mammiferi, Colle Val d’Elsa (SI)

  • 2009-2017 Communication and socialization classes with Alexa Capra, Marina Garfagnoli, Michele Minunno, Noemi Pattuelli

  • August 2016 “Who gives? On sharing land with bison, moose and wolves in a changing landscape” Dr. Petr Komers, University of Florence

  • May 2016 “L’alimentazione e la nutrizione del cane domestico”, Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi, Roma

  • April 2016 “I nostri cani, come pensano e si sentono: emozioni, comportamenti di attaccamento e apprendimento sociale”, Dott. Adam Miklosi, Marino (Roma)

  • March 2015 “Seminario con Dorit Urd Feddersen Petersen”, Forte dei Marmi. Organized by ASETRA

  • October 2014 “V Convegno Nazionale della Ricerca nei Parchi - L’Uomo per gli Animali”. Organized by Parco Natura Viva, Bussolengo (Verona)

  • March, April, May 2014 “ Seminario Arte e Cervello” , prof. Lamberto Maffei, prof. Nicoletta Berardi, dr. Laura Baroncelli, dr. Alessandro Sale. Organized by the “Luigi Cherubini” conservatory, Florence

  • April 2014 “La vita emozionale dei cani e degli altri animali: gioia, tristezza ed empatia, la loro evoluzione e il ruolo dell’uomo”- Prof. Marc Bekoff, Marino (Roma)

  • October 2013 “Seminario Enriquecimiento ambiental en Nucleos Zoologicos”, Madrid, organized by ZOOHBW

  • July 2013 Seminar “Guarda ho i denti! Etogramma, osservazione e analisi del comportamento aggressivo del cane” - Alexa Capra. Organized by Anthrozoos and the University of Florence.

  • June 2013 “SPARCS INTERNATIONAL Conference 2013”, Redmond USA. Streaming.

  • March 2013 “Lecture series on the ecology and evolution of bird-parasite interactions” – Prof. Heinz Richner (University of Bern), Department of Evolutionary Biology, University of Florence.

  • February 2013 “Strategia contro l’avvelenamento della fauna in Italia”, Ministry of Health, Roma

  • October 2012 “Verso nuovi modelli di conservazione e gestione del lupo in Italia”, Bologna

  • May 2012 “Parlare con la faccia: una specialità dei primati umani e non umani” –Prof. Elisabetta Palagi (University of Pisa), Florence

  • May 2012 Convention “Etologia e Benessere Animale” organized by the University of Florence, Department of Evolutionary Biology “Leo Pardi”

  • April 2012 Workshop “Quello che diciamo ai cani” - Alexa Capra, Scandicci (FI)

  • April 2012 “classi di comunicazione “with Alexa Capra, Pistoia

  • May 2012 “Tra socialità canina, benessere, riconoscimento degli stati di stress, possibili cause e soluzioni” - Michele Minunno, Pistoia

  • October 2012 “PARLA CON ME! ...due giornate di comprensione e benessere” - Michele Minunno, Pistoia

  • June 2009 “Neurologia delle emergenze-urgenze” course for neurology emergency residents, Florence

  • May 2008  “ Sepsi grave e shock settico: la sfida alla diagnosi precoce” , Florence

  • April 2008 “Proteine con attività eritropoietica come strumento per ridurre l’uso del sangue omologo” , Florence


Hobbies:  music, swimming and being outside with my family and furry friends!


Isabella Maggini

Via San Iacopo a Girone 1 – Firenze, Italia


VAT identification number  06595200483

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+39 3492307073

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